Course Description

When practicing Piano, do you feel frustrated, and stuck, like you´re never going to progress? The body and mind aren´t  working in unison, and you feel the physical strain after practice? This can affect both your musical and personal life, especially when you have to turn down paid performance work, because you don´t feel ready, or have an injury, that prevents you from performing to your full potential. 

I understand having experienced pain in the neck, and arms, when I tried to learn really difficult Piano pieces by Liszt, Rachmaninov, that I needed to change something in my technique,

This something was the way I used my whole body to play Piano, and learning how to feel tension in different places in the body.

Playing the Piano requires much more than just the fingers, as I´m sure you know, and it´s my pleasure to help you begin your journey of learning how use the natural body strength we all have, to connect to the keys, and play Piano, without feeling sore, and tired in the arms, wrists, and neck afterwards.

We all as Pianists, have endurance for playing longer, and more naturally, that just needs gentle step by step work, that this course will provide.

After going through the course, and applying the content, you´ll be able to easily detect tension you have in the body, which restricts you using your full potential of body weight in Piano technique.

There are 3 modules in this course:

       1. Before Piano practice: Warm up the body, and iron out tensions that you usually take into your practice, and balance the use of muscles used to play any Piano piece. 

       2.  During Practice: While working on your pieces, start to notice habits before they become natural, and let go of the tension. Also learn how to alter current habits, causing stress, and fatigue in your body, and restrict physical freedom, in your technique. This module also contains, the 1 Good habit, to break bad habits. 

      3. Performances: Leading up to your next concert/gig, learn how to prepare physically, alongside your musical work, so that you don´t experience strain, and fatigue during the performance. 


How will I know if I´m doing the techniques correctly? 

You won´t be left alone to do the work, as   there is an exclusive Facebook group, for Pianists who enroll in the course, so you will be able to ask questions, for the instructor, Daniel Roberts to see, and help you with. 

What level of playing experience do I need to take this course?

Daniel recommends that you have at least an intermediate level of Piano ability. 

If you are a Piano teacher, you may consider getting a few of your younger students to pay, splitting the cost towards a purchase of the course, so that you can run through the material with them, to help develop awareness of good habits at an early stage in their Piano life. 

How long are the videos online?

All the time. You can study at your own pace, and take your time to improve your habits. Daniel is available in the course comment area, and the Facebook group. 

If you have any questions, feel free to contact: [email protected]

Enroll now, by clicking below, and claim your seat to experience growth in your Piano playing.

Pianist Daniel Roberts

Daniel Roberts

Since graduating from Leeds College of music, having studied with Helen Reid, Natalia Strelchenko, and continuing lessons with Peter Feuchtwanger, Daniel Roberts has performed around Europe and South America.In September 2009, Daniel was invited by Natalia Strelchenko, to perform solo pieces by Bach and Ravel, as part of the Egersund Youth Chamber music festival, Norway.Daniel has performed for the Beethoven Piano Society of Europe in the famous London church, St James Piccadilly, and also has performed with Duo partner Hannah Woolmer at London’s Foundling museum, Southwark Cathedral, and The Wales Millennium Centre in Cardiff.In 2014 Daniel performed Beethoven’s ‘Emperor concerto’ with the University of Cambridge Philharmonic orchestra. Other performances performances with orchestra have included Beethoven’s 1st concerto, Chopin’s 1st Concerto, and Rachmaninov’s Rhapsody on a theme of Paganini, and 2nd Concerto.In December 2013 Daniel performed in Brazil, at the Museum of modern art, Juiz De Fora. The recital included the South American Premier, of Peter Feuchtwanger’s ‘Variations on an Eastern Folk tune Book I’ and ‘Tariqa I.’ He returned in April 2014 to premier ‘Variations on an Eastern Folk tune Book II’.Daniel gave his Debut recital at the Feuchtwangen International Piano festival, Germany, in April 2015, performing the festival’s premiere of Peter Feuchtwanger’s ‘Variations on an Eastern Folk tune’ Books I & II.In December 2015 he performed Gershwin’s ‘Rhapsody in Blue’ with the Orchestra Sinfonica Mario Viera in Brazil.In February 2016, Daniel gave recitals in London’s St Martin in the Fields, and Edinburgh Society of musicians, performing a varied program of popular pieces such as Mussorgsky’s ‘Pictures at an Exhibtion’ as well as Eastern inspired music composed by his late teacher Peter Feuchtwanger.Future concerts include solo recitals in the UK and Brazil, concerto performances with the Woolmer Philharmonic orchestra, and Orchestra Sinfonica Mario Viera, as well as Chamber performances with Violinist Hannah Woolmer.Daniel also teaches the approach to playing of Peter Feuchtwanger, using his exercises and philosophies.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Getting started

    • Welcome to the course

    • Join the course Facebook group

    • Legal Notice

  • 2

    Module 1

    • Module 1, Video 1: The Full body tension release exercise

    • Full Body tension release

    • Sitting at the Piano, keeping the body relaxed

    • Sitting at the Piano, keeping the body relaxed

    • Warming up

    • Warming up

  • 3

    Module 2

    • Practicing a difficult passage from a piece

    • Practicing a difficult passage from a piece

    • Practicing a difficult passage from a piece part 2

    • Practicing a difficult passage from a piece part 2

    • The 1 good habit, to break bad habits

    • The 1 good habit, to break bad habits

  • 4

    Module 3

    • Practicing 1-2 months at least before a Performance

    • Practicing 1-2 months at least before a Performance

    • Building up the Tempo

    • Building up the Tempo

    • Practicing days before the concert

    • Practicing days before the concert

  • 5

    Congratulations, and information on the Fluid Piano system

    • What´s next